The Island vs. Today's World
This is the first Utopian novel that I'am reading, in despite of questioning is this an Utopia? It is easy to read than I expected, except the some pages I readed over again.
In the Island,
there is a Utopian living with a fiction system which not so different from the ones we have today. Actually there are many things
that has reflection in todays world. The characters have conflicts with the
system, ısland has conflict between itself but also with the other countrys
that want to use their petrol sources. They do not share their resources and do
not allow their uses to the other countries in order to be stay away from a
power war.
In today's world, countries
have power wars between them mostly consist from energy and material resources
like petrol and gold. The religion and believes of the people are tool for some
of the people themselves the understand the world and live a meaningfull life
in someway and tool for the governments to use to lead their public. Thus all aims
intersect with the education system which is the important issue for the
Island. They believe in education and experience. Thus they give additional
parents to childs thus additional childs to parents in order to learning to
excepting, knowing everyone and learning from everyone without emotion fights
within themselves.
The mindfullness elements related to Eastern culture got my
interest through reading, I was not excepting that when I first heard the
title. Than I take the “attention” and be in the moment and read my book. This elements
are also find their echoes in today’s World. there are so many events such as camps
and meetings based on yoga and mindfulnees practices that all inspired from
East culture and mostly Budism. This is an awakening about “Attention” , ın
today’s World many people begin to question their “attention” as Will asked in
the story “ Attention to what?”. The answer was “Attention to attention.” This
is one of the main ideas in mindfulness in a multitasking living World. People
begin to try have attention and search an alternative way of living in the system for
more meaningful life that “here and now”.
On the otherhand,
there are two seperate group in the island as far as I read, about management of
the Island. One of them is Dr. Macphail, his family and friends, on the otherhand
the Raja family. We learned all of this conflict and how the Island idea occurs
and it philisophy beneath it together with journalist Will. There are plans for
the future of the ısland with two different views. The Raja family is near to
have deal with other countries in order to Show their power and system the World
gain Money to improve it. They are also planning create and army, since there
is no army in the Island. However Dr. Macpail have opposite idea to protect the
resoures and the ısland in order to sustain a future.
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